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Coaxial RG59 with power(100M) cable

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Coaxial RG59 with power(100M) cable

Shop for Coaxial RG59 with power(100M) cable in Nairobi, Kenya at Routine Solutions astel dealers.

The RG-59 Coax cable is the professional’s choice for CCTV cameras. It provides both video and power by combining the RG-59 Coax with the 18/2 power, for a single cable pull. It also save time and money as it allows installers to run both the video and power to security cameras using a single cable run. It’s suitable for both basic analogue TV antenna feeds and AHD CCTV systems. This cable is convenient because it has both power and video cable wrapped in a single jacket so you don’t have to run two separate cables.

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Coaxial RG59 With Power 100M Cable
Coaxial RG59 with power(100M) cable
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